
update-alternatives 命令用于处理linux系统中软件版本的切换,在各个linux发行版中均提供了该命令,命令参数略有区别,但大致是一样的。

## 以gcc为例

# 1.查看当前版本
gcc -v # 查看当前版本
which gcc # 查看命令位置
ls -l /usr/bin/gcc # 可以看到是一个软连接

# 2.安装其他版本gcc
sudo apt install gcc-8 gcc-8-multilib g++-8 g++-8-multilib # 安装gcc-8
sudo apt install gcc-10 gcc-10-multilib g++-10 g++-10-multilib # 安装gcc-10
ll /usr/bin/gcc* # 查看所有gcc

# 3.在update-alternatives中注册gcc
# 注册 # --install注册 目标软连接 注册名称 软连接目标 优先级(数字越大优先级越高) --slave从属(同版本其他命令) ...与前面类似
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-9 10 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-9 
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-10 20 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-10
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-8 30 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-8

# 4.查看已注册版本(爱看不看)
update-alternatives --display gcc

# 5.更换软件版本
sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
# 第一行 0 为自动模式,自动选择优先级最高的版本
# 下面的行都是手动模式,选择后若不手动更换不会自动更换版本

# 6.验证
gcc -v # 可以看到版本已经更换
ll /usr/bin/gcc # 软连接目标更换为了update-alternatives

# 方法对其它软件通用,其它使用方法看 附录Usage
附录 Usage
Usage: update-alternatives [<option> ...] <command>

  --install <link> <name> <path> <priority>
    [--slave <link> <name> <path>] ...
                           add a group of alternatives to the system.
  --remove <name> <path>   remove <path> from the <name> group alternative.
  --remove-all <name>      remove <name> group from the alternatives system.
  --auto <name>            switch the master link <name> to automatic mode.
  --display <name>         display information about the <name> group.
  --query <name>           machine parseable version of --display <name>.
  --list <name>            display all targets of the <name> group.
  --get-selections         list master alternative names and their status.
  --set-selections         read alternative status from standard input.
  --config <name>          show alternatives for the <name> group and ask the
                           user to select which one to use.
  --set <name> <path>      set <path> as alternative for <name>.
  --all                    call --config on all alternatives.

<link> is the symlink pointing to /etc/alternatives/<name>.
  (e.g. /usr/bin/pager)
<name> is the master name for this link group.
  (e.g. pager)
<path> is the location of one of the alternative target files.
  (e.g. /usr/bin/less)
<priority> is an integer; options with higher numbers have higher priority in
  automatic mode.

  --altdir <directory>     change the alternatives directory.
  --admindir <directory>   change the administrative directory.
  --log <file>             change the log file.
  --force                  allow replacing files with alternative links.
  --skip-auto              skip prompt for alternatives correctly configured
                           in automatic mode (relevant for --config only)
  --quiet                  quiet operation, minimal output.
  --verbose                verbose operation, more output.
  --debug                  debug output, way more output.
  --help                   show this help message.
  --version                show the version.